Labral Repair Post-Surgical Physiotherapy

Rehabilitation after surgery for a labral repair, particularly in the hip or shoulder, is crucial for a successful recovery. Our clinic provides customized rehabilitation programs to help patients recover successfully after labral tear repair surgery. Our experienced physical therapists work closely with patients and surgeons to protect the repair, restore function, manage pain, and safely return to activities.

What is labrum repair?

The labrum is a ring of cartilage around the socket of the hip and shoulder joints. Labral tears occur when this cartilage becomes damaged or detached, causing pain, instability, and other debilitating symptoms. When a labrum is torn, surgery is often necessary to repair it. Arthroscopic surgery is often performed to repair labral tears through techniques like suturing the labrum back to the bone or removing damaged sections.

Labral Repair Post Surgical Treatment

Post-surgical rehabilitation for labrum repair


Post-surgical rehabilitation is crucial for a successful outcome after labral repair. The goals include

  • Protecting the repaired labrum to allow proper healing
  • Restoring range of motion and strength
  • Reducing pain and swelling
  • Re-establishing neuromuscular control and stability
  • Returning to activities gradually and safely

Phases of rehabilitation

We tailor progressive rehab programs in coordination with the surgeons’ post-op protocol over three overlapping phases:

Early rehabilitation (Weeks 0-4)

The initial focus is on protecting the repair and managing pain/swelling.

  • Strict movement precautions (e.g. sling use, weight-bearing restrictions)
  • Gentle range of motion exercises within guidelines
  • Modalities like ice, compression, elevation
  • Pain and swelling management
  • Use of gait aid as necessary and gait training
  • Exercises will target maintaining mobility and preventing muscle inhibition.

Intermediate rehabilitation (Weeks 4-12)

Goals include restoring the full range of motion and gradually increasing strength.

  • Discontinue movement restrictions as appropriate.
  • Progress range of motion and flexibility exercises
  • Begin submaximal pain-free strengthening
  • Initiate proprioception and neuromuscular control drills.
  • Normalize gait pattern and wean from assistive devices

Advanced rehabilitation (Weeks 12+)

The focus shifts to more intense strengthening and activity or sport-specific training.

  • Continue range of motion and flexibility exercises
  • Progress strengthening and endurance training
  • Initiate sport/activity-specific drills and agility work
  • Develop power and return to sport goals
Labral Repair Post Surgical Physiotherapy Treatment

Our rehab services for labral repair post-surgical

Physiotherapy rehabilitation helps you regain strength, range of motion, and function while minimizing the risk of complications and re-injury.

Keep in mind that your specific post-surgical physiotherapy rehabilitation plan will depend on the type and location of the labral tear, the surgical procedure performed, and your surgeon’s recommendations. Always follow the guidance provided by your healthcare professionals. We help patients through the entire rehab process with one-on-one care from licensed physical therapists, custom treatment plans tailored to each patient, and up-to-date rehabilitation equipment and technology.

Here are some general principles for labral repair post-surgical rehabilitation

  • Range-of-motion exercises: Your rehabilitation will often begin with gentle range-of-motion exercises to prevent stiffness and promote healing. Our physical therapist will prescribe and supervise these exercises.
  • Strength training: As you progress, you’ll start with strengthening exercises for the muscles around the joint. This is crucial for joint stability and preventing future injuries.
  • Proprioception and balance exercises: These exercises help improve your body’s awareness of joint positioning and balance. They are essential for restoring functional stability.
  • Cardiovascular conditioning: Depending on your overall health and the specific joint involved, your physical therapist may introduce cardiovascular exercises to improve your general fitness.
  • Sports-specific training (if applicable): Athletes will require sports-specific training to get back to their pre-injury level of performance safely.
  • Gradual return to activities: It’s essential to follow a structured plan for returning to your regular activities, whether that’s daily living, sports, or work. Your physical therapist will follow the post-op rehabilitation protocol to gradually guide you through this process.
  • Patient education: Throughout the rehabilitation process, you’ll receive education on how to protect the surgical area, manage symptoms, and perform exercises correctly.
  • Manual therapy and specialized techniques to help with reducing pain and joint mobility
  • Regular follow-ups: Stay in close contact with your healthcare team and attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your rehabilitation plan.

The timeline for returning to full activities varies by individual. Close communication with the surgeon and care team is essential throughout rehabilitation.

Contact our clinic

If you have had labral repair surgery, our experienced physical therapists can help you recover safely and get back to the activities you love. Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment.