Dry Needling In Langley | IMS | Intramuscular Stimulation

Discover the power of precision healing with our dry needling and Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) treatments in Langley!

At Opal Physio, we’re revolutionizing pain relief and muscle recovery using these cutting-edge techniques. Imagine melting away tension, easing chronic pain, and unlocking your body’s natural healing potential – all with the gentle insertion of ultra-thin needles.

Whether you’re an athlete looking to enhance performance or someone seeking relief from stubborn aches, our expert physiotherapists are ready to tailor this innovative treatment to your unique needs.

Say goodbye to persistent discomfort and hello to a new level of wellness. It’s time to experience the transformative effects of dry needling and IMS for yourself!

Dry Needling _ Intramuscular Stimulation _ IMS

Dry needling / intramuscular stimulation (IMS) at Opal

At Opal Physio, we proudly offer dry needling in Langley as part of our comprehensive physiotherapy services. These specialized techniques can provide significant pain relief and improved function for many of our patients dealing with chronic muscle pain, tension, and dysfunction.

What is dry needling / IMS?

Dry needling, also known as intramuscular stimulation (IMS), is an evidence-based treatment technique used by specially trained physiotherapists to treat myofascial pain and muscle tension. It involves inserting thin, sterile acupuncture needles into specific trigger points or tight bands within muscles to elicit a therapeutic response.

While IMS uses similar needles to acupuncture, it is based on Western medicine principles and scientific research rather than traditional Chinese medicine. The goal is to target neuromuscular dysfunction and stimulate a healing response in the affected tissues.

How does dry needling work?

When a needle is inserted into a trigger point or tight band of muscle tissue, it can elicit a local twitch response – a brief, involuntary contraction of the muscle fibres. This twitch response is associated with various therapeutic effects:

  • Increased blood flow to the area
  • Release of endogenous opioids and other pain-relieving chemicals
  • Decreased muscle tension and knots
  • Improved nerve function and communication
  • Stimulation of the body’s natural healing processes

The needle insertion creates a small, controlled lesion that triggers the body to increase circulation and initiate tissue repair. This can help reset dysfunctional muscle tissue and restore normal function.

Benefits of Dry Needling _ IMS

Conditions treated with dry needling / Intramuscular Stimulation

Dry needling and IMS can be effective for treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including:

It can also be beneficial for improving overall muscle function, flexibility, and range of motion.

What to expect during treatment?

Initial assessment: Before beginning dry needling treatment, your physiotherapist will thoroughly assess whether this technique is appropriate for your condition. They will review your medical history and evaluate your muscle function, movement patterns, and areas of pain or dysfunction.

Treatment session: During the dry needling session, you will be positioned comfortably on a treatment table. Your physiotherapist will use palpation skills to locate the specific trigger points or tight muscle bands to be treated. They will then insert thin, sterile needles into these areas.

You may feel a slight prick as the needle penetrates the skin, followed by a deep ache, muscle twitch, or cramping sensation as it reaches the trigger point. These sensations are normal and indicate that the treatment is targeting the correct areas.

The needles may be left in place for a short time (30 seconds to a few minutes) or manipulated gently to elicit the desired response. Depending on your condition, your physiotherapist may treat multiple points during a single session.

Post-treatment: After the needles are removed, your physiotherapist may perform additional manual therapy techniques or prescribe exercises to complement the dry needling treatment. You may experience some muscle soreness for 24-48 hours following treatment, similar to the feeling after an intense workout. This is a normal response and usually resolves quickly.

What to Expect During Dry Needling Treatment

Benefits of dry needling / IMS

Dry needling and IMS treatment offer several potential benefits for patients:

  • Rapid pain relief
  • Improved muscle function and flexibility
  • Increased range of motion
  • Decreased muscle tension and knots
  • Enhanced blood flow and tissue healing
  • Reduced chronic inflammation
  • Improved nerve function
  • Complementary to other physiotherapy treatments

Many patients experience improvements in pain and mobility following dry needling treatment. However, depending on the chronicity and severity of the condition, the full effects may take several sessions to achieve.

Safety and side effects

Dry needling is generally considered a safe treatment when performed by a qualified practitioner. Our physiotherapists have undergone extensive training in IMS techniques and anatomy to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Common side effects may include:

  • Temporary soreness or bruising at the needle insertion sites
  • Fatigue or lightheadedness
  • Minor bleeding or bruising

Serious complications, including infection or injury to blood vessels or nerves, are rare. Our therapists take all necessary precautions to minimize these risks.

Is dry needling / IMS right for you?

Dry needling can be an excellent treatment option for many patients, but it may not be appropriate for everyone. It is contraindicated in certain conditions, including:

  • Acute inflammation
  • Bleeding disorders or use of blood thinners
  • Compromised immune system
  • Local skin infections or lesions
  • Lymphedema
  • Needle phobia
  • Pregnancy
  • Vascular disease

During your initial assessment, your physiotherapist will determine if IMS is a suitable treatment option based on your condition and medical history.

Combining Dry Needling with Other Treatments

Combining dry needling with other treatments

At Opal Physio, we believe in providing comprehensive, individualized care to our patients. Dry needling is often most effective when combined with other physiotherapy treatments and modalities, such as:

Your physiotherapist will develop a personalized treatment plan that may incorporate IMS and other appropriate interventions to address your specific needs and goals.

Our expertise in dry needling

Our physiotherapists have received specialized training in dry needling techniques, allowing us to offer this advanced treatment option to our patients. We stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in dry needling to ensure we provide the highest quality care.

Getting started with IMS In Langley

If you’re looking for dry needling near me and are interested in exploring whether dry needling or IMS treatment could benefit your condition, we encourage you to schedule an initial assessment with one of our experienced physiotherapists. During this appointment, we’ll evaluate your condition, discuss your treatment options, and determine if dry needling is appropriate for your rehabilitation plan.

Don’t let chronic pain or muscle dysfunction hold you back any longer. Contact Opal Physio today to learn more about how dry needling in Langley can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.